dilluns, 11 de juny del 2018

English time!

Els amics de la Pepa

On Tuesday we were doing a review about the colours and some vocabulary that we have studied during this course. We were fisherment and fisherwomen, we had to catch the correct image. We had a really fun class.

Dimarts vam fer un repàs dels colors i d'algun vocabulari que hem treballat durant el curs. Ens vam convertir en pescadors i pescadores i haviem de pescar la fotografia correcta. Ens ho vam passar molt bé.

English time Pepa

Els amics d'en Tonet

During the week we were doing a review about all the animals that we have learnt this term. In small groups we drew the animals, we painted it and finally we wrote all their names.

Durant aquesta setmana vam estar fent un repàs de tots els animals que hem estudiat aquest trimestre. En petits grups els hem anat dibuixant, els hem pintat i per acabar hem escrit els seus noms.

English time Tonet

Els amics d'en Pau

During the English classes we were doing a review about all the food that we have learnt this term. In small groups we drew the food, we painted it and finally we wrote their names.

Durant les classes d'anglès d'aquesta setmana hem fet un repàs del menjar que hem treballat aquest trimestre. En petits grups els hem dibuixat, els hem pintat i hem escrit els seus noms.

English time Pau

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